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intree unwed mothers

dELIVERING happines to their kids

There is still a stigma of becoming pregnant out of wedlock. Some of those young mothers are on their own. The father of the kid is sometimes out of the picture. The young mother can’t finish her university or has to quit her job (to raise the kid) and is sometimes without the support of her family.

SYLC Intree children care

The children of those unwed mothers are regularly being blamed by their classmates for not growing up in a “socially accepted environment”. Intree is a Korean organization (run by unwed mothers) that has two goals. 

  1. Change the perception of Korean society. 
  2. Achieve political changes (improvements) for the unwed mothers.

They are regularly having talks with the ministries, and they organize for example lectures on universities to raise awareness for their case. 

The Seoul Young Leaders Club supports Intree. Not financially, but by taking care of the children. When Intree is organizing a lecture or workshop for the unwed mothers, the SYLC takes the children out on a fun event. Via this way, we create memorable youth memories for those young children. Over the past 3 years, we have organized trips to the zoo, to museums, to the caves, to sports games, ice skating rinks, and we have organized a couple of themed parties. 

The community service with Intree is normally held once a month, either on Saturday or Sunday